
When to introduce solids to a baby

I’m often asked by parents when is the best time to introduce foods into a baby’s diet. When can they start solids? With a baby you are responsible for nurturing them from an emotional and physical point of view, but we should also look at nurturing their digestive system. With a […]

Flat Head Syndrome & Brain Development

Plagiocephaly or flat head syndrome literally means oblique head (Greek: plagio = oblique, and cephale = head). It can be classified as two types:

  1. Synostotic Plagiocephaly: is the early fusion of cranial sutures that prevents symmetric brain and cranial growth. Called Craniosynostosis and requires immediate attention from your Pediatrician and […]

Baby Equipment

Having a baby is one of the most wonderful things that a person can experience. But when it comes to advice on what’s best for them and their developing brains, nervous systems and bodies, we encounter a minefield of information. And this can be said for the everyday equipment that […]