baby chiropractor

Baby Carriers – How to Use

Chiropractors recommend wearing your baby facing inward. Here is why:

In recent times, there has been a rise in the ancient, natural practice of parents ‘wearing’ their babies. That being said, the modern world too often looks at fashion and convenience than what is right for the parent or baby. They […]

Exercise and the Brain

Brain health is crucial to our survival. The brain controls our entire body and how we think and move. But as we age it can be one of the things that let us down and cause rapid deterioration of our health. Are the forgetfulness and ‘senior moments’ an inevitable part […]

Hippy Chick

You have a beautiful baby that you have nurtured for those first months of life. You have cared for them 24/7 and they have blossomed and grown. During this growing phase they’re obviously getting bigger and heavier. As a parent you’re continually lifting and carrying your child, this in turn […]

When to introduce solids to a baby

I’m often asked by parents when is the best time to introduce foods into a baby’s diet. When can they start solids? With a baby you are responsible for nurturing them from an emotional and physical point of view, but we should also look at nurturing their digestive system. With a […]

Osteoporosis and Chiropractic

Osteoporosis occurs when bones start losing minerals faster then the body can replace them. Calcium and Vitamin D are the main minerals involved and when levels become too low a decrease in bone density and mass will occur.

As most people know, Osteoporosis is more common in women, especially those over […]

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