Chiropractic Allambie

Brain Balancing Part II

This list can help you identify if your child’s academic problems are either a right or left brain weakness. Don’t expect to just tick off only right or left brain issues. Nothing is never so pure when it comes to dealing with human individuality. But if the brain is imbalanced, […]

Is your brain Left, Right or Balanced?

Relative to body size, the human brain is one of the largest among all living creatures. This is just not in size but in function as well. Conventional wisdom and general knowledge regarding sides of the brain states that artists and writers are right brained because they are creative, and […]

Developmental Hip Dysplasia

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is an abnormal development of the hip joint. It occurs when the femoral head dislocates from the acetabulum, or in easier terms, when the hip dislocates from its socket.

DDH is usually diagnosed in newborns and can happen in utero, during delivery or after birth. […]

The Hip Hinge

Too often I see people that are in a lot of pain and they tell me they just don’t know how this happened. It just seemed to come on out of the blue. But looking at our everyday routines that we do and looking at how well we do this, […]

Facts About Chiropractic

1. Pain is the last symptom

Most people that suffer pain would have had the restriction or instability there for months or years before they would even recognise it. Stiffness and reduced range of movement can be some of the first signs, but just like a hole in the tooth, […]

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