back pain

Thoracolumbar Syndrome

Have you ever experienced pain at the top of the buttock and or low back pain? You might have been experiencing a condition called “Thoracolumbar Syndrome”

The thoracolumbar region is where our mid back (thoracic spine) meets our low back (lumbar spine). This area is what we call a “transitional zone” […]

Thursday, October 17, 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Thoracolumbar Syndrome


What is Whiplash?

 Whiplash is a common phenomenon that is created by damage to the muscles, ligaments and/or tendon structures in the neck.

Whiplash injuries occur when there is a rapid acceleration-deceleration of force that causes a ‘whipping’ of the head and neck. The […]

Golf and Back Pain

Summer is around the corner! This means longer and warmer days and elevated moods. With increased endorphins flowing through our veins we find ourselves getting outdoors more and increasing our activity level. One activity we see rise during summer is the practice of golf, whether done well or poorly. Unfortunately, […]

Rib Pain & Dysfunction – Breathe Easy with Chiropractic!

How can ribs become dysfunctional?

Did you know that you have 24 ribs that go from the top your shoulders (T1) down to your mid to lower back (T12)? They are on the front, back and side of our thorax/chest. Ribs are designed to protect our lungs and heart from damage […]

Thursday, August 9, 2018|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Rib Pain & Dysfunction – Breathe Easy with Chiropractic!
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