children’s chiropractor


What type of headache do you have?

You potentially have experienced a headache in your lifetime and a lot of times our default assumption is it’s a “migraine” type headache. But would you believe that migraines are only one type of primary headache and not even the most common one! Chances […]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What is ITB Syndrome

 The Iliotibial (IT) band is a thick formation of fascia that runs along the outside of the thigh from the hip to the knee. It extends over the outside of the pelvis, over the hip and inserts just below the knee. Its major role is to stabilize […]

Exercise for Shoulder Stability & Scapula Health

Shoulders are the most complicated joints in the body and at the same time are the most diverse and mobile of joints. They allow for a full 360 degree circumduction to occur and they can go behind our backs and be lifted above our heads.

Shoulder pain is a common issue […]

Massage for Kids

Massage for Children and it’s Benefits

Having practiced various types of massage for 20 years now, I have had many of my client’s children experience the benefits of my massage table. The youngest child I’ve massaged was […]


What is Whiplash?

 Whiplash is a common phenomenon that is created by damage to the muscles, ligaments and/or tendon structures in the neck.

Whiplash injuries occur when there is a rapid acceleration-deceleration of force that causes a ‘whipping’ of the head and neck. The […]

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