sports rehabilitation


What is Whiplash?

 Whiplash is a common phenomenon that is created by damage to the muscles, ligaments and/or tendon structures in the neck.

Whiplash injuries occur when there is a rapid acceleration-deceleration of force that causes a ‘whipping’ of the head and neck. The […]

Rest is Best

Exercise as we know has many great health benefits and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. To name a few:

  1. Reduces cardiovascular disease
  2. Increases life expectancy
  3. Improves bone density and muscular strength
  4. Increase brain capacity
  5. Reduces the risk of chronic disease

However, as much as exercise […]

Chronic Inflammation Part 2

In my last blog I spoke about acute inflammation and how it is a natural process that our body initiates to help heal our injuries. I also spoke about how anti-inflammatories can inhibit this natural healing process which can then lead to prolonged tissue dysfunction. Tissue dysfunction includes poor scar […]

Tuesday, November 29, 2016|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Chronic Inflammation Part 2