chiropractor northern beaches

Hippy Chick

You have a beautiful baby that you have nurtured for those first months of life. You have cared for them 24/7 and they have blossomed and grown. During this growing phase they’re obviously getting bigger and heavier. As a parent you’re continually lifting and carrying your child, this in turn […]

Balance and Proprioception

How good is your balance? Can you run without watching your feet? What about finding the light switch in the dark? Can you touch your finger to your nose with your eyes closed? The ability to perform these movements relies on the body’s balance and proprioception.

What is Proprioception?
Proprioception refers to […]

When to introduce solids to a baby

I’m often asked by parents when is the best time to introduce foods into a baby’s diet. When can they start solids? With a baby you are responsible for nurturing them from an emotional and physical point of view, but we should also look at nurturing their digestive system. With a […]

Foods for your Brain

First good food for the brain is Berries. Berries are full of memory-boosting nutrients. They are a rich source of anti-oxidative compounds like vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and other nutrients that can help curtail the circulating free redials in our body’s systems.

Research has shown that beneficial chemicals like ellagatannis in […]

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Some of the most common conditions that I see in the clinic are neck problems or shoulder and arm issues. These can be separate injuries causing a variety of upper limb signs and symptoms, or they are commonly related.

This month I am focusing on Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. What is this […]

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